Our Partnerships
The National Civility Center creates partnerships in civility worldwide. Our newest partners are featured here. If you are an individual or an organization engaging in civility -related activities and you would like to discuss a partnership, please contact info@civilitycenter.org.
Community Civility Counts
Community Civility Counts, a nationally recognized campaign that started in Gary in 2015, will partner with The Civility Center (civilitycenter.org), a longtime non-profit organization, as both organizations continue to expand and bring awareness to #CivilityCounts in communities and classrooms.
Community Civility Counts, which started as a partnership with the Gary Chamber of Commerce and The Times Media Co., has been expanding throughout Northwest Indiana and has been reaching out further with a model of how to bring #CivilityCounts to communities.
This curriculum-based training program is founded on the book, Civility, Compassion, and Courage in Schools Today: Strategies for Implementing in K-12 Classrooms written by Drs. Kohler-Evans and Barnes. The program will provide interactive activities, methods, and strategies to move beyond simple awareness to taking action to become a change enterprise. This program is designed to teach participants how to facilitate and cultivate civility, compassion, and courage in the classroom, community, and greater society.
Community Civility Counts, started as a partnership of The Gary Chamber of Commerce and The Times Media Co. NWI.com
Civility Experts Inc. is proud to support the Civility Center by providing ongoing supports to the Civility Calendar. Civility Experts Inc. is a international training company that includes 94 affiliates in 30 countries. The organization offers civility training, certification, curriculum, presentations and assessment, and is recognized as the leading expert on civility in the workplace.
The International Civility Trainers’ Consortium is an international governing body that sets globally accepted standards for civility, delivers civility training, validates civility certification programs and courses, endorses industry practitioners and sponsors civility events around the globe.
Ambassador Dr. Clyde Rivers
iChange Nations is committed to bringing back the lost art of honor by building a Culture of Honor that recognizes individuals throughout the world who have exemplified extraordinary humanitarian efforts to effectively change nations. We honor people and organizations that believe every life is valuable and is created to bring a contribution to the world. ICN is the largest “building cultures of honor” network in the world.
Propriety Publishing is a niche publishing company that specializes in publishing books that bring out the best in people. The company helps authors writing, speaking, and teaching civility, social skills, self-esteem, cultural competence, kindness and related topics to spread their messages and contribute to our often not-so-kind world in a positive way. Propriety Publishing sponsored the publishing 2nd editions of Civility Center books by co-founders Kent Roberts and Jay Newman, Community Weaving and Bring a Dish to Pass.
Visit proprietypublishing.com
The Civility Speakers Bureau lists the Civility Center Board Members and Civility Center Partners’ Speakers and waives all bureau fees. In addition, 100% of all fees generated by Civility Center Speakers is rerouted back to the Civility Center. In addition, the Speakers Bureau donates 50% of admin fees to The Civility Center.
Kindness has the ability to increase happiness, self-esteem and optimism, improve mental and physical wellbeing, lower stress and anxiety levels, create better social, emotional and academic outcomes, and reduce bullying in schools as well as the community.
Sounds good, doesn’t it!
That’s because kindness is a natural remedy
for a multitude of ailments!
Given this impressive list of proven benefits, we found it astonishing that more people weren’t using it! And how is it possible that more schools hadn’t adopted it as a natural means to reduce anti-social and exclusive behaviour?
We decided it was time people knew more about the power of kindness so we built a heart-centred primary school curriculum based on kindness and the premise that what you get out of life is directly related to what you give.
With a focus on changing cultures in schools, it has gained International attention as a positive alternative to traditional anti-bullying programs. Promoting a healthy outlook at an early age by building an armour of goodness that nurtures happy, positive, well-rounded individual who care for others is the key to a successful and rewarding life.
We aim to inspire generational change by reaching students from disadvantaged homes so they can experience the happiness that can be achieved when being a kind and caring person. Our lessons and activities are designed to nurture kindness and giving in the classroom, home and community to foster a warm and loving environment where our children can reach their full potential.