October Press Release


In the Month of October , The Civility Center Reminds Us   – “Through knowledge we have the power to change our world views.”

Internationally renowned as the “go to” organization for anything related to civility, The Civility Center, has created a monthly calendar that includes events, ideas, and inspiration from around the world.  The Civility Calendar is available free online with the objective of encouraging people to bring their most kind, most considerate, and most civil self to all their interactions.  Each month focuses on a different aspect of civility and its interaction with life, and October is: CIVILITY IN HIGHER EDUCATION.

Civility must be modeled in our homes and cultivated in our communities. We can no longer rest on the assumption of what we think students should come to us knowing, or knowing how to do. We have to help them develop an awareness for the value and then move through a continuum to take action and embrace their influence to create a more civil society.” – Dr Candice Dowd Barnes, Assoc. Professor, Elementary, Literacy and Special Education – University of Central Arkansas

The message is :   There is tremendous value in higher education – monetary return, personal growth, benefit to society.  But some of these benefits are counteracted if incivility is allowed to run rampant.  We are seeing the consequences of incivility at institutions of higher learning of every kind, all around the world.  Whether it is boosting collegiality among faculty, changing unfair policies, or dismantling uncivil elements of campus culture and traditions, it is time to make positive changes and build civility in higher education.

Every month includes an affirmation, and for October, the mantra is : “I am a continuous learner.  Through knowledge I have the power to change my world view.”

Media Contacts :

Dr. Candice Barnes, cbarnes@uca.edu , 773-960-6912


Rochelle Huppé, rochelle@civilityexperts.com

2017-10-06T16:44:11+00:00October 6th, 2017|

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